Fertility for Men and Women: Understanding Reproductive Health

Fertility describes an individual’s natural ability to become pregnant. It has to do with both men’s and women’s reproductive systems operating normally.

Fertility in women is dependent on a responsive uterus, the release of healthy eggs after ovulation, and general hormonal balance. It depends on a man’s capacity to fertilize an egg and produce healthy sperm.

Both partners’ fertility can be impacted by variables such as age, lifestyle, health, and environmental factors. Improving fertility requires an understanding of and commitment to reproductive health.

Our bodies work hard to keep hormones balanced, which is essential for good health. The food we eat has a big impact on our physical, metabolic, hormonal, psychological, and gut health. It’s not just about what we eat but also what we avoid—like too much-packaged food, bakery items, sugary drinks, or alcohol. Making small, consistent changes to our diet and including essential nutrients can greatly improve hormonal balance over time.

Start simple: Begin your day with a cup of cow’s milk and a teaspoon of cow ghee. You’ll notice positive changes in just a few days! #ConsistencyIsKey

Need for Fertility



Firstly check the #Benefits

Boosts Fertility

Balance your hormonal levels

Help improve the egg quality Help with Improved Ovulation Help with Insulin resistance Helps with regulating menstruation and related imbalances in any form

Helps with improved metabolism

Helps with improved mental well-being

Helps increase the Fertility rate


About Diet and Yoga

Eat only when hungry

Drink water only when thirsty (sipping those liters and litres of water has a negative impact on the bodily organs)

Eat dinner before Sunset (before 7 pm)

Drink a sip or two of water after every 3-4 morsels of food

Have 2 spoons of Cow ghee in every meal

Stop eating once you start feeling full

Have liquid consistency buttermilk after every meal or at least post lunch

Have fruity vegetables like bottle gourd (Lauki/dudhi), ridge gourd (turai/dodka), red pumpkin(lal bhopla), French beans, Sponge gourd( ghosale) etc.

Add lemon juice over veggies to enhance Iron absorption and nutrient absorption

Avoid pulses on a regular basis like Chavali, chana, chole, rajma,  Vatana, matki, toor dal. Consume once a week for lunch. These are heavy for digestion and vitiate the Vata dosha, leaing to further reproductive system related issues or menstrual issues or may lead to Semen defects.

you may consume moong and masoor on a daily basis.

avoid raw veggies, salads or pulses. Alwats have them steamed or cooked.

Start your day with a cup of cow milk and Cow ghee.

Do not start your day with Tea or coffee

Avoid consuming fruits with milk

avoid fruits with meals or immediately before or after meals

Do not starve.

Do not cut down on carbohydrates completely.

try and have a balance of Carbs, proteins, and essential fats.

Cow ghee is the best source of essential fats. This enhances the nutrient absorption and avoids any deficiencies

Sit in sunlight for 15-20 minutes daily.

Practice YOGA daily.

If overweight, then try and reduce weight

Sleep by 10pm max and wake up by 5.30-6am max.

Avoid sleeping in the afternoon. This leads to indigestion and weight gain. In case you are unwell or not slept well prior night, then you may sleep in the afternoon.

Practice Pranayam regularly

Avoid Night shift work hours. This is against the biological clock. Hence will further worsen your health conditions and lead to hormonal imbalances further

Practice mantra chanting

Have daily 30-35 black raisins, 2-3 dates(khajoor), or a gond laddoo on a daily basis. Early morning empty stomach is the best time to consume.

Chyawanprash aids reproductive health. Consume on a regular basis.

Consume fresh Awala (Indian Gooseberry ).

It’s a Wonderful source of Vit C and aids further nutrient absorption.

Avoid Bakery Products on a daily basis like biscuits, khari, toast, bread ( brown and white)

Avoid Non veg daily and for dinner. Consume twice a week max and have it for lunch

Avoid refined sugars packaged food on a daily basis.

Eat in moderation.

Stay Positive.

Avoid consuming Multivitamins or supplements unless there is certain deficiency.

Every small correction counts

Dr. Sujata Pawar

Ayurvedacharya, Nutritionist, Pune.

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